Ever since I started cutting in 2001 I’ve wanted an A/B path console for all analog mastering from open reel tape to lacquer disc. If the mixes are on tape and no digital is wanted the only way to have separate setting for each song is to either change settings between songs or have a separate identical setup. With a separate identical setup and a switch at the console output it is possible to switch between the ‘A’ path and the ‘B’ path. This allows separate settings for each song at the flip of a switch.
I had to decide how to accomplish this. Neumann mastering consoles incorporated A/B switching into their later designs. While expensive and elaborate for the time period the facilities were bare bones compared to modern mastering studios. At that point I decided it needed to be a ground up build.
In the meantime I started offering all analog mastering with only an ‘A’ path. There is no way like the hard way. The challenges are many when mastering this way. Not only do you have to switch settings in the time between songs, you have to come up with settings that can be switched in the allotted time. It’s bit like three dimensional chess. This has proven to be a valuable experience. It also solidified my desire to offer this service. There is a live performance aspect to mastering this way that just isn’t possible when mastering and assembling into the DAW.
Shaker Desk is the result of fourteen years of designing and building. From the beginning the design brief was ‘ it’s done when it’s done’. No expense was spared, no corners cut. Shaker Desk is the largest most elaborate A/B Path mastering console ever built. It is a full modern mastering setup in the A/B Path console format.
If all analog mastering is your goal there is no better studio setup than Shaker Desk at Salt Mastering. I will be going through all the facilities Shaker Desk has in future posts for all you geeks.